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Monday, April 03, 2006

Her majors, to my minors

"Keep looking through the window pane
Just trying to see through the pouring rain"

I know I've spoke about relationships and dating a lot, but something new presented itself to me.

I was watching Cold Case the other night, and the killer ended up being a guy that was infatuated with a rising star tennis player. He liked her, but the feeling was not mutual. The officer was pounding into him that the young lady was "out of his league." That comment hit me like a bolt of lightning. You know, 1.21 gigawatts. Is that part of my problem? Have I been dating women "out of my league?" Is that why none are working out?

I've been tossing it back and forth all day, and am still not 100% sure. I think, for the most part, it has been just personality differences. Some were even quite a bit younger than me.

Who's to say who is "out of the league" for any one person? I realize I will never have a shot at Salma Hayek, but is she really out of my league? My point is we are all people, why is it so hard to accept that a good looking guy can date a not so attractive girl? Or vice versa? It should come down to compatibility, and most important, love. Right?

I have dated all types if girls/women; nice, clingy, attractive, sweet, unattractive, emotional, loving, caring, frickin' hot, etc, etc, etc. I don't really have a "type." I was discussing the female butt size, or booties, for my people, with a lady at work. She has an ample backside, but could never get a straight answer out of her fiance. She worried that he was less than truthful, because he loved her. I told her that it takes all kinds, and is different from guy to guy. Personally, size of butt does not matter that much to me. Physical attributes in general do not matter that much to me at all. I am not saying that to garner favor, it is the truth. I attempt to go after someone with a brain. Three out of the last four girls I dated swam in the shallow end of the knowledge pool. I'm no Einstein, but can hold my own. It is not very fun explaining what I have previously said during a date. Or to sit in silence because there is not much to say. I'm not a snob about it, I actually very nice. I never "dumb down" what I say, and if she talks way the hell over my head, I ask her to elaborate. Then I lose the floaties, and take my pace in the shallow end.

So, why is it a problem for me to date an attractive girl? I have actually had people tell me "she'll probably just break your heart." Why? I'm not saying that I am only trying to date "frickin' hot" women, but if I do what's the problem?

Until next time:
"Humanity is the keystone that holds nations and men together. When that collapses, the whole structure crumbles. This is as true of baseball teams as any other pursuit in life." - Connie Mack


Blogger alison said...

out of our league is a foolish idea. we all have our problems, our insecurities. often what appears to be out of our league is only appearance. the description of 'frickin' hot' sums that up. and its all a state of mind. yes, there are couples you see and wonder about. yes, there are people you meet that you realize are only put on this planet for eye candy or to better the general population through their amazing brain power. then there are those still, that take a little getting used to and through the process grow on and become both the beautiful and the intelligent. those are the ones that are hardest to find but most worth searching for. i think.

12:36 AM  
Blogger RedNeckGirl said...

Very insightful post. I agree that in the end it should come down to compatiability. You sound like an intelligent man who wouldn't be happy with a hottie without a brain or personality. The way I look at it you have to attracted to the person but beauty and looks 50 years I want someone who I can talk to, cause neither of us will be much to look at when we are 80.

9:42 AM  

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